Hard Work Will Pay Off.

motivation CollageCollage made by me / Pictures borrowed from WeHeartIt. 

Börjar dagen med lite tränings motivation. Jag känner själv att jag tappat det.. kan bero på att jag har jobbat otroligt mycket, och när jag inte jobbat – sovit i princip + att jag varit lite små förkyld nu hur länge som helst.. Men efter invigningen i helgen kommer jag köra igen! Finns ingen bättre känsla än att träna, svettas, äta nyttigt och känna sig fit & nöjd. Så, då bestämmer vi det. 

Starting the day with a lovely exercise motivation post. Who doesn’t feel like getting that killer body now, after this collage? Well, I am really sad that I haven’t had the time for exercising for a while, I’ve been crazy busy at work and also happened to have a cold for weeks now.. But next week, when work is less stressful I will get back to the gym again. There’s nothing better than feeling great & comfortable with yourself. Well, let’s keep this then. 

The Perfect Snack.

IMG_28931Tänkte bjuda på ett mellanmål som är riktigt gott, och är lätt att fixa!
Det är ju oftast det vi vill ha, man vill helst inte behöva stå och fixa för länge för ett lätt mål, därför vill jag tipsa er om ovanstående. Banan med keso, färska bär, mandlar, goji bär och lite honung. SUPER GOTT!

Thought you might want a good and healthy tip on what to eat/make for a snack. 
Something thats healthy, good and fast to make. check out the picture above, looks pretty good right? All you need is a banana, some cottage cheese, berries, almonds, goji berries and some honey. AMAZING!

Cheers To A Healthier 2013.

Workout1 CollageCollage made by me / Pictures from weheartit

Eftersom det är lördag så skålar vi för bara det! Vi skålar även för att 2013 kommer bli ett riktigt bra år, so far so good tycket jag i alla fall. Kom nyss hem från gymmet och nu skiner solen in genom fönstret, därför blev jag super pepp på att lägga upp ett tränings inlägg. Dock är detta bara en tease, för imorgon kommer det riktiga inlägget. Jag kommer bjuda på hur jag tränar, vad jag äter och vad jag har för mål. Så missa inte det…

Since it’s saturday, let’s cheers for that! Lets cheers for a healthy and good 2013 too. I can feel its going to be a great year! Just arrived home after a workout at the gym, and now the sun is shining through the window and that inspired me to post this workout post. However, tomorrow is the time for the real post. So this is only a tease to get your mind set for tomorrow where I will write about my strategies, my nutrition and my goals, don’t miss that…

5 Most Important Things to Remember.

Fitness2 Collage

1. DRINK WATER. Gives you a better skin and body, keeps you hydrated and makes you not so hungry as otherwise. 

2. EAT. Some people think less food = better/skinnier body. Which is incorrect, well you get smaller but only because you starve yourself. It’s important for your body to get the energy it needs, especially if you work out too! Your body is like a car, it needs fuel to function. Eat, but chose the healthier option and in appropriate portions. 

3. SLEEP. Your body needs a good night sleep to function, and work every day. Try to get at least 7 hours, but 8-9 is recommended. And turn off your phone, or at least turn the sound and vibration off – it can interrupt your sleep, whether you know it or not. 

4. HAVE FUN. So who said exercise couldn’t be fun? Make it fun! Bring a friend, or take a long walk with your neighbors dog in the sun or join your boyfriend for a killer workout at the gym. But remember, Have fun! Otherwise you will never return, or at least not return with a smile on your face. 

5. LOVE YOURSELF! There is no such thing as perfect, if you want something and you get it – it’s always gonna be something else you want after that. Learn to love yourself and your body. Dress after your figure and be proud of it. So maybe you don’t have the thinnest legs, but you might have the prettiest hair, or the most beautiful eyes. Focus on what you love, and not so much on the other things. 

Tips Från Coachen.

DSC_0005DSC_0006Kom nyss hem från möte och trevligheter i soliga stan. Första dagen jag inte behövde ta på mig vinterjackan! Så himla skönt. Mötet kommer jag berätta mer om senare, men mycket trevligt i alla fall. Hann även med ett gympass imorse, känns bra! Bra start på veckan. Kom hem och tänkte jaha, vad ska vi laga idag? 

DAGENS LUNCH: Parmesandoftande Gojiomelett. 
Du behöver: 2 ägg, 1 msk matlagningsgrädde, 1 msk vatten, salt&peppar, 1 tsk chiafrön (jag använde Linfrö), 1/4 dl riven parmesanost, 1 msk hackad persilja, 1/2 msk grovhackade nötter, 1 msk torkade gojibär. 
Du gör: Vispa ihop ägg, grädde, vatten, salt, peppar och fröna. Stek en eller två små omeletter i matfett (smör/olja). Strö över ost, persilja, nötter och gojibären när omeletten stelnat till hälften. 
Servera med: Blandad sallad med tomater och övriga grönsaker. Jag tillade fetaost + balsamico. LOVE. 

Just got home from a day downtown with a meeting, and just walking around in the lovely sunny (but cold) weather. I could finally wear something else than my winter coat. Happiness! I also had time to go to the gym, a nice leg&butt workout – anyway, when I got back home I asked myself, what should I cook today?

TODAYS LUNCH: Lovely parmesan & Goji berry/wolfberry omelet. 
You need: 2 eggs, 1 tbsp fat cream for food preparation, 1 tbsp water, salt&peppar, 1 tsp flaxseed, 1/4 dl grated parmesan cheese, 1 tbsp chopped parsley, 1/2 tbsp chopped nuts, 1 tbsp dried goji berries/wolfberries. 
You do: Whisk the eggs, fat cream, water, salt, pepper and seeds in a bowl. Fry one or two small omelets in some butter/oil. Strew over the cheese, parsley, nuts and goji berries/wolfberries when the omelet has stiffen halfway. 
Serve with: Mixed greens, tomatoes and your favorites. I added some feta cheese and balsamico. LOVE.

Every Damn Day – Just Do It!

ChallengeFITTraining and Nutrition is a lot more important than you think. Training doesn’t mean train hard at the gym 7 times a week, training can mean a long walk with your dog 3 times a week, or choosing the stairs instead of the elevator at work, it can mean everything from daily routines to hard efforts at the gym. 
But long story short, to be HEALTHY you need some kind of exercise. The other thing people often forget is NUTRITION. You body needs healthy food, just like a car need fuel – otherwise it doesn’t function right. Therefore, put more time and effort into your meals. And remember, you can still be healthy without cooking for hours!
Here’s 5 tips for you, your body and healthy mind. 

Eat Often, Eat Smaller Portions. 
You’ve probably heard it before, but start doing it to. It’s very common that people wait until they are starving to eat, and then they eat A LOT. Plan your day and meals, 5 meals per day. A meal doesn’t have to be something big, one meal can be a fruit or some nuts. I try to put it like this: Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner. Try not to go longer than 2,5/3 hours without any type of food. 

★ Look Fierce at the GYM!
Seriously, who said you can’t look great at the gym? Okay, its not a runway show but why not buy some cool workout pieces you can be proud to wear to the gym? (I wouldn’t recommend to put a lot of make-up on though! Sweat+make-up=no good match!)

Studies have shown that colors makes us more happy and more energized, so therefor GO for colorful workout clothes. NIKE is my favorite brand, check these goodies out!

Justdoit★ What’s your goal?
Everyone should have a goal, whether its ”being able to do 50 situps in a row” or ”Get bigger biceps” or ”Look like Candice Swanepoel” But the most important thing about goals are, you should start with smaller goals so that you feel satisfaction when you have reached a goal. Don’t start out with a goal to look like a bodybuilder/model if you haven’t trained for a while – be reasonable! 
(My goal is Beach 2013, I try to workout at least 3/4 times a week, a workout can be at the gym, in classes or out for a power walk. Then I love to cook, so I put a lot of effort into my meals.)

Might sound cheesy but it sure does help me. I follow a couple on Instagram who daily uploads motivating pictures, and I like to look at picture on weheartit.com. And I try to do my best to motivate and inspire you here on my blog too. You can also be motivated by ”real persons” thats one of the reasons why I love to go to the gym, at least you get motivated by others to train, cause you don’t want to be the person who just stands next to machine and do nothing, right? (Instagram users you should follow: #GETTING_FIT #GETFITFORYOU #VICTORIASECRET)

PLAN to work out!
Sure its easy to say, I’ll work out later. But ask yourself this: Do you have a goal? Do you want to reach it? Can you postpone whatever made you wait with your workout? I hope your answers where all YES. 

So yes, maybe there’s a great show on the TV, so what if you rather sleep 15 minutes longer, get your lazy butt up and MOVE IT! (If there is something really really important, do it!) And don’t think your TV is really really important now! Write in your calendar/iPhone – Workout @ 11.30 or book a workout through your gym’s app at your phone, then you have no reasons to cancel. 

tips from ME / pics from Weheartit & Polyvore

Healthy Chocolate Dream,

HealthydessertEftersom det är fredag, så är det okej att unna sig något eller hur? Men måste man unna sig något onyttigt?
Jag har hittat ett super gott recept på en nyttig kladdkaka toppad med färska hallon. (Jag har själv inte testat den ännu, men ska absolut göra det!) För en liten kaka (den på bilden är 14 cm i diameter) behövs:
Since it’s Friday, its time to indulge a little. But does it have to be unhealthy? I’ve found a healthy version of a chocolate cake topped with fresh raspberries. (I still haven’t tried it myself, but will!) For a small cake (14 cm diameters) You need:

♥ 2,5 dl Hasselnötter / 2,5 dl Hazel Nuts
♥ 1,5 dl Mandelmjöl / 1,5 dl Almond Powder
♥ 3-4 msk Agavesirap eller 5 Dadlar / 5 Date Plums
♥ 1 dl Svart kaffe / 1 dl Black Coffee
♥ 0,5 dl Kakaopulver / 0,5 dl Cacao Powder
♥ en nypa salt / a dash of salt
♥ 1 tsk Vaniljpulver / 1 tsp Vanilla Powder
Mixa alla ingredienser. Tryck ut smeten i en form klädd med plastfolie. Låt vila i kylskåp eller frys några timmar, flytta över på serveringsfat och dekorera, t.ex. som på bilden med vispad grädde och färska bär efter smak, t.ex. hallon som i detta recept. 
Mix all the ingridents. Press out the dough in a form with plastic wrap on the inside. Let rest in fridge/freezer a couple hours. Move over to a serving dish and top it with some whipped cream and berries, raspberries like this example. 
Recept kommer HÄRIFRÅN / Recipe is borrowed from HERE

Lunch Inspiration?

DSC_0030DSC_0029Ibland behöver man inspiration, inte sant? 
Därför tänkte jag tipsa om en super god lunch, (visserligen åt jag denna rätten till middag häromdagen, men funkar perfekt som lunch också!) Jag kunde inte sluta prata om salladen efteråt, så himla himla god! Går super snabbt att göra, smakar himmelsk och är nyttig!
1. Stek bacon & kycklingbitar. 
2. Skölj salladen (bladspenat/ruccola) 
3. Blanda allt i en stor skål, tillsätt körsbärstomater & Fetaost.
4. Sist men inte minst – på med Balsamic vinäger (min favorit) 

We all need some inspiration from time to time, right? 
Thats why I wanted to tip you about a delicious salad I made the other day. Perfect for either lunch or dinner. I couldn’t stop talking about it afterwards, it was so super amazing! Fast to make, taste like heaven and is healthy!
1. Fry bacon & chicken pieces. 
2. Rinse the salad (baby-spinach/ruccola lettuce)
3. Mix everything in a bowl and add the baby tomatoes and Feta cheese. 
4. Last but not least, don’t forget some Balsamic vinegar (my favorite oil/dressing)

Let’s Get Strong Together!

Fitness Collagepics/Weheartit.

Ett litet tids-inställt tränings inlägg här, då jag befinner mig på gymmet. Wihoo! Även fast mina ben ber mig att stanna hemma, tänker jag gå efter magkänslan och inte vad mina ben tycker. Fått fint sällskap ikväll, och jäklar vad vi ska kötta! 
Vet inte hur viktigt ni tycker musik är, men för mig är det A & O. Har jag glömt mina hörlurar är det bara att vända bilen igen. Därför tänkte jag bjuda på mina favoriter som ger mig all energi jag behöver på gymmet. Om ni gillar min musik smak, och behöver pepp är det bara att subscrib’a min Spotify lista ”I’m Strong And I Know It” HÄR

Guess where I’m at? THE GYM! Even though my legs rather would have stayed home, I dragged myself to the gym for a killer workout. So, Music – is that important for you? 
Well for me, its super duper important! Especially when I train, If I forget my headphones I might as well turn around to get them, otherwise I will never be able to focus at the gym. So, thats why I though you might need some fun new music? Down below are my favorite workout songs, if you want more – Subscribe my spotify list ”I’m Strong And I Know It” HERE. 

Drinking From The Bottle – Calvin Harris ft. Tinie Tampah.
When Worlds Collide – Zara Larsson
Dance Our Tears Away – John De Sohn ft. Kristin Amparo
Superlove – Avicii ft. Lenny Kravitz
Larva (Far Away) – Morten Breum
This Is The Song – Nause
Turn Around (Dave Audé Radio) – Conor Maynard ft. Ne-Yo
Supernatural – Ke$ha
Million Voices – Otto Knows
Every Chance We Get We Run – David Guetta, Alesso ft. Tegan & Sara
Turn Up The Love – Far East Movement ft. Cover Drive
The Lucky Ones – Kerli
Fast Car – Taio Cruz

Better Morning is Hard to Find.

DSC_0035DSC_0037DSC_0034God morgon!
Bjuder på några hunger-väckande frukost bilder från min morgon. Jag älskar verkligen frukost, och därför lägger jag gärna ner tid och kärlek för att få äta något gott och omväxlande. 
Nu är jag inne i en omelett fas och jag gillar att man verkligen kan stoppa i allt man gillar. Idag körde jag på skinka, körsbärstomater och fetaost. Toppas med lite salladsblad, tomater och extra feta ost. Till detta, ett glad vatten och ett glas yoghurt med müsli. Mums!
Senare idag väntar möte med ett smyckeföretag, inför kommande varor till butiken. Ska även hinna med ett gympass (även om mina ben gråter efter igår) Skam den som ger sig! 

Good morning!
Check out my breakfast today – it was just as delicious as it looks!
The omelet consist of 2 eggs, 2 slices of ham and some baby tomatoes and some feta cheese. Topped with some lettuce, tomatoes and extra feta cheese. On the side I drank a glass of water, and a glass of yoghurt with the healthier version of granola. Super delicious! TRY IT!
Today, I have a meeting with a jewelry company about new items to our store, and later tonight the gym is waiting! (Even though my legs are saying no, from yesterdays workout)