Perfectly Good Banana Hotcakes.

DSC_0521DSC_0527DSC_0526Dagens frukost:
Banana Hotcakes, världens lättaste nyttiga pannkakor. De smakar himmelskt och de är super nyttiga, kan det bli bättre? Det enda du behöver är 1 banan och två ägg. Jag valde att göra två små, annars går det ju att göra en stor också. Mosa halva bananen i en skål, knäck det ena ägget i. Vispa runder och stek på medium värme tills den fått en gyllenbrun sida och vänd. Sedan gör du samma med resten av bananen/ägget. Servera med bär och en klick kvarg/grekisk yoghurt. 
E n j o y !

Todays Breakfast:
Banana Hotcakes, the worlds easiest healthy pancakes. The taste like heaven and they are super healthy for you, can it be any better? The only ingredient you need is 1 banana and 2 eggs. I did two smaller pancakes, but you can also do one big. Start with splitting the banana into 2 pieces. Stir 1/2 banana with one egg, put it on the pan on medium heat and let be until it has gotten the golden brown look, flip and serve. Do the same with the rest of the ingredients (1/2 banana + 1 egg). Serve with berries and a spoonful of greek yoghurt. 
E n j o y !

A Perfect Morning Start.

breakfastGod morgon! 
Tänkte bjuda på lite frukost bilder från och med nu, lite inspiration till er morgon trötta människor med inte så mycket kreativitet till just frukosten. Själv är det min bästa måltid under dagen, jag brukar alltid ladda upp med mättande och nyttiga produkter, så står jag mig länge under dagen. 
Dagens frukost: Grekisk yoghurt med frysta blåbär/björnbär, nötter och torkade tranbär. Ett stycke Grovråg knäckebröd med kokt ägg på. Samt 2 glas vatten. Bästa starten på min tisdag!

Good morning!
Though I could start showing some breakfast pictures, some inspiration for you who are not a morning person, and who lacks creativity in the morning. For me, breakfast is my most important meal of my day. I try always to eat a big, healthy breakfast with lots of protein and fruit. 
Todays breakfast: Greek yoghurt with frozen blueberries/blackberries, nuts and dried cranberries. A slice of swedish crisp bread with a hardboiled egg on top. Don’t forget to drink at least 2 glasses of water too.  Great start of my tuesday. 

Every Damn Day – Just Do It!

PicMonkey CollageMy 5 favorite tips

★ Drink water! 
You’ve probably heard it before, but its true. It keeps your skin beautiful, it keeps your body hydrated and it makes you not think of food. I am not saying don’t eat – I am saying, drink 2 glasses of water before you eat, and you’ll see that you don’t have the same appetite as before. #Tip. Start your morning with a big glass of water. 

★ Call me maybe? 
Use a buddy of yours to get moving! Its so much easier to go together. You don’t necessarily have to work out together, but going together is the important part. So call your friend/sister/mother next time you’re thinking about going to the gym, and they’ll do the same for you another time. Important! Don’t come up with any bad excuses for not going, be honest and think of that great feeling you get after a sweaty and hard workout.

★ Find your perfect time. 
The best time for me to workout is the morning. Since I am a morning person I like to get it over with, and have the whole day in front of me. But not everyone is a morning person, so the most important thing is for you to find a perfect time for you. Sometimes its better to get used to one time and hold on to that, and therefore you will get a routine, and it will be easier for you to stick to. 

★ Magazines/Books. 
Something I love is to look through Healthy/Exercise books and magazines. There is always a bunch of tips and fun ideas. It doesn’t even have to cost you a penny, clean your room and I bet you have a dozen magazines somewhere hidden, or borrow a friends. Trust me, there is nothing that gets you more motivated than that!

★ Have fun while doing it!
Since we all know that nutrition is a big part of a healthy lifestyle – don’t forget about it. Wish for a cookbook for your birthday or create your own book by using recipes from internet and from magazines. And then throw cooking nights with friends or family. And remember; make it fun! Healthy doesn’t mean boring. #Tip. Take pictures of your masterpiece, and be proud of it! 

10 Days To Paradise.

Exercise/picture: Cape Verde 09

Nedräkningen kan börja! 10 dagar tills Thailand!
Efter en mysig vecka norrut med släktingarna har väl inte målet om ”hälsosam & nyttig” hållit riktigt. Istället kör jag all in söndag den 6/1. Då jäklar! Häng med på mina 8 dagar till Thailand, så ska jag dela med mig av träningstips, roliga övningar och sist men inte minst, mat. Något speciellt ni vill ha tips på inom kosten? 

The Countdown can begin! 10 days to Thailand!
After a cozy week with my family north of Sweden, my goal of being healthy hasn’t really been possible. Instead I will go all in on sunday when I am back home. Follow me on my 8 days to go, where I will post tips about exercise, and food. Anything special you would like to know about food?

Fitness: Do’s & Don’ts

WorkoutcollagexI found a great webpage with a bunch of ”Do’s & Don’ts” when it comes to exercise. A lot of them I had no idea about, and they helped me get a clearer view of my training. Here are a couple I though you might want to know too. 

Nr.1 ★ ”No Pain, No Gain” 
Exercise doesn’t have to hurt to help you get in shape. If you’re a beginner, start slowly. A little muscle soreness is normal in the beginning, so don’t let it keep you from exercising. But if you have severe pain, stop exercising until it goes away. If it doesn’t, see a medical professional before you start up again.

Nr.2 ★ ”Do your cardio exercises before your strength training”
There is no ”correct” order for cardio and strength-training exercises – but it may make a difference if you have a specific goal in mind. If your primary goal is endurance, do cardio first. If it’s building strength or burning calories, do resistance training first. This gives your body the energy to focus on your main target. The most important thing is to get enough of both types of exercise every week.

Nr.3 ★ ”You’ll get more fit doing 30 straight minutes of exercise than by doing 10 minutes three times a day”
It’s recommended to exercise at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity cardio/aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, or some combination of both. Exercise doesn’t need to be a one time a day thing, It’s fine to spread out your exercise over the course of the day. Stick to a minimum of 10 minutes at a time, though.


Nr.4 ★ ”What’s the target heart rate you should aim for while exercising?”
You’ll get the most cardiovascular benefit when you exercise at 50% to 85% of your maximum heart rate. To find your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220. Your target heart rate is 50% to 85% of that number.

Nr.5 ★ ”How much water should I drink before a workout?”
It’s important to stay hydrated before and during exercise. Remember, it takes a while for fluids to move through your system. Drink about 20 ounces (2 glas) of water two to three hours before exercise and 8 more ounces (ca 1 glas) about 25 minutes before you start. Drink about 10 ounces (ca 1 glas) of water every 10 to 20 minutes during your exercise.

Nr.6 ★ ”You should do each exercise in strength training until it’s hard to do more.” 
Working your muscles to the point of tiredness is a good way to strengthen and tone them. If you’re lifting weights or using weight machines or resistance bands, start with one set of eight to 12 repetitions, then work your way up. Once you can do 12 repetitions of an exercise with good form, increase the weight slightly.


Nr.7 ★ ”You can target specific parts of your body to lose weigh”
Spot reducing is a myth: You can’t target specific parts of your body for weight loss. To lose fat and weight from a specific area, you have to do regular physical activity that works your entire body.

Nr.8 ★ ”It’s better to work out in the morning than in the afternoon or evening”
The best time to exercise? Whenever you can make it a part of your regular routine. Research shows that your body will adjust to whatever time of day works for you. Some studies suggest physical performance peaks in late afternoon. Other studies suggest that morning workouts may help you sleep better. The most important thing is to pick a time of day you can stick with.

Pictures borrowed from: weheartit. Source for text: WebMD.


I’m Strong And I Know It

Headerpics from weheartit. 

God kväll mina fina. Nu kommer det som jag lovat, ett litet pepp inlägg inför det nya året. Lite härlig inspiration, peppande ord och bra övningar som kan göras överallt 24/7. Hoppas ni gillar’t! 
God Night my readers. Here is what I promised you guys, an inspiring workout post with some tips, inspiration and good exercises you can do anywhere 24/7. Hope you’ll like it!

Exercisepics from

The 3 on top are my three favorite thighs & butt exercises to do at home right now. 
Bottom 3 are my favorites for mainly abs but also for nice toned arms. Easy to do and you don’t need any extra supplies. Just turn up the music and get started. I like to do 3 reps x 15 of each exercise. Can you do more, DO more. Exercising is still individual, so If you feel your body can do more, do it. 
Since I don’t have a gym membership right now, I try to exercise outside of the gym. I like to mix it up with a run/powerwalk and finish up with some good abs&butt exercises inside.
Always remember, a little bit is better than nothing! PS. don’t forget the music, don’t have a good list? Subscribe mine here

There is no, No in Yes.

8100_4095377861678_1406702857_nGod morgon! Söndag och jag startar dagen med en lång Power walk, dock en aning mer kläder än bilden ovan. 
Senare kommer det bjudas på himmelsk brunch i stan, och senare i eftermiddag kommer både outfitbilder & tränings inspiration. Så missa inte det! 

Good morning! I start my Sunday with a long Powerwalk, wearing a little bit more clothes than the picture above. Later today I will head downtown for a delicious brunch and during the day I will post Todays outfit and some awesome exercise tips & inspiration, so don’t miss that! 

Taste of Heaven

DSC_0444DSC_0446DSC_0443God morgon! Fredag och solen skiner. Kunde inte startat dagen på bättre sett!
Frukost i lyx kvalitet och det var lika gott som det ser ut. Nu ska jag äntligen ta mig samma och se det sista avsnittet Gossip Girl (har inte velat inse att det är slut) Men oj så spännande! XOXO

Good Morning! Its Friday, the sun is shining outside and I couldn’t have asked for a better start on my day. 
Luxurious Breakfast and I am ready for what this day will bring me. The time has come, and I am going to say farewell to the Gossip Girl crew, here we go! XOXO

Take Me Away, To A Better Place

Summer2 Veckor & 4 dagar tills Thailand!
Nu jäklar blir det all in på träning & kost tills avresan. Var ute på 1,5 timmes lång promenad igår, egen gjord sallad till middag ikväll, smoothie tills kvälls mys. Japp, jag är med nu! 
Nu blir det mer träning, kost och pepp här på bloggen! 

2 Weeks & 4 days to Thailand! 
Here we go! Its almost vacation time and that means all in on training & nutrition. Yesterday was my debut, An hour and a half long power walk, today was salad day and tonight its cozy time with a delicious smoothie. Oh yes, I am all in now.

Keep Calm & Get Fit

WorkoutmeLängesedan vi körde ett ”workout inlägg” så nu kör vi! Jag vet inte med er, men jag älskar att träna på våren/sommaren, värmen gör att jag kör hårdare och träning ute ger både färg & frisk luft. Vintern är inte min bästa vän när det kommer till träning, visserligen är det perfekt för gym träning, men nej jag föredrar utomhus. 
Här kommer i alla fall 5 tips man kan göra för att må lite bättre i dessa kalla veckor. 

1.★ Kläder på & ut och gå!
Visserligen är det inte varmt ute, men vädret är ganska mysigt ändå, erkänn? Ta på lite extra kläder, i med musik i öronen och ut med dig!

2.★ Tävla med mamma/pappa/syskon. 
Vem kan egentligen göra flest sit-ups/push-ups i din familj? Föreslå en tävling och ett pris, så blir det dubbel effekt + att hela familjen får lite träning inne i vardagsrummet. 

3.★ Glöm inte maten!
Visst är träning viktigt, men maten är ännu viktigare. Klicka in på lite recept hemsidor och sök på en ingrediens du gillar och kika igenom nyttiga godheter. Perfekt kvälls aktivitet med kompisen/pojkvännen eller slå stort och gör det själv? 

4.★ Åk och simma!
Kanske inte det roligaste när man känner sig blek, men vad gör det om hundra år? 
Dra till simhallen, tagga med go musik i bilen och sen jäklar tar du några varv. Belöningen blir en lång bastu stund, kanske låter ganska lockande i alla fall? 

5.★ Önska dig gymkort i Julklapp. 
Nu är julen nära, och om plånboken är förr tunn för ett gym kort, varför inte önska dig det i julklapp? Perfekt start för det nya året.