One Step Closer to My Goal.

DAY1 CollageGod morgon!
ÄNTLIGEN! Gym-kortet blev fixat imorse och började dagen med ett Body Pump pass, bra början för hela kroppen när man inte tränat på ett tag. Ett riktigt mördar-pass! Men känslan efteråt är det bästa jag vet, så himla stolt över mig själv att jag äntligen fick gjort det. Kom hem och möttes av nybakta semlor (?!) Varför?… 
Men att äte en sådan direkt efter ett träningspass kan ju vara det dummaste valet. Så istället gjorde jag mig en supergod & nyttig smoothie istället. Så gott, nu är jag igång! Och jag ser fram emot att någongång längs vägen nå mitt mål om en starkare, hälsosammare och gladare kropp & sinne. 

Good morning!
FINALLY! I bought a gym-card this morning, and started out with a Body Pump workout, where I involved my entire body, a great start for a ”long-resting-body”. It was a real killer-workout, but the feeling afterwards proved that it was so worth it. Amazing! I’m so proud of myself that I finally did it, and I can’t wait to some where along the way reach my goal – a healthier, stronger and happy body & mind. Came home and made this super delicious and healthy smoothie. 

• 1 Banana / 1 banan
• Some frozen berries / ca. 1dl frysta bär
• A couple Dried Cranberries / Några torkade tranbär
• 1,5 dl Greek yoghurt / 1,5dl grekisk eller turkisk yoghurt
• 1 tablespoon flaxseed / 1 matsked linfrö (bra proteinkälla!) 
Mix & Drink!

Just the Look of it, Makes me Healthy.

food CollageTänkte bjuda på två härliga mat-inspirations bilder.
Den vänstra bilden består av svamp/skink omelett med bladspenat, ett glas vatten och yoghurt med skivad frukt. Passar perfekt som frukost/brunch. 
Högra bilden var gårdagens middag, jag hade pysslat lite hela dagen med olika recept och bestämde mig för att baka tre olika pajer. Degen är gjort på grahamsmjöl istället för vanligt mjöl – lite extra nyttigt! Tre olika fyllningar, mozzarella/tomat/pesto paj, kyckling/artiskock/grönsaks paj och sist men inte minst broccoli/parmaskinka/ost paj – grymt goda hela högen! En enkel sallad vid sidan av och jag lovar du blir mätt och helnöjd. Dessa pajer passar alltså perfekt till middag men även lunch. 

Two inspiring food pictures, I made last week. 
To the left, an mushroom/ham omelet with baby spinach over, a glass of water and a bowl of yoghurt with sliced fruits. Perfect for breakfast/brunch. 
To the right is three different pies I made last night, super healthy and delicious. 
Get started with your cooking today too, google some healthy recipes, and make a fun experience out of it!

Be the Girl You Were to Lazy to be Yesterday.

Workout Collagepics/
God morgon! Lördag, sköna lördag!
Börjar dagen med stor frukost, inrednings program och städning. Har nu bestämt mig för att köpa gymkort, jag har försökt träna och göra övningar hemma, men det är inte optimalt för mig. Jag behöver komma ut, träffa folk och bli inspirerad av andra! Därför kommer jag satsa stenhårt på träningen nu, är verkligen riktigt taggad – längesedan jag kände så kan jag säga!
Har även planer inom träning&hälsa inom framtiden, spännande projekt vill jag lova! NU KÖR VI!
Good morning! Saturday, sweet saturday!
I started my day with a big breakfast, an interior design show on TV and cleaning. I have finally decided to buy a gym card, I have tried to exercise and do things at home, but it’s just not the same thing! I need to get out, to meet people and to move for real! So hopefully this upcoming week I will start my new exercise schedule. I am super excited, long time ago I felt like this! LET’S GO!

Dagens Lunch.

DSC_0002DSC_0003Tja tja bloggen! 
Nyss hemkommen från Malmö och måste säga att jag är fortfarande väldigt positiv till skolan och inriktningen jag kollade på. Kanske blir perfekt detta!
Var super hungrig och tänkte egentligen bara fixa någon snabb macka eller något, så tänkte jag på bloggen. (Bästa med bloggen är att man blir själv så motiverad!) Så därför fixade jag till den här fina lunchen, nyttigt och gott!
1 rågknäckebröd med ett hårdkokt ägg + tomat. 1/2 Avocado med en klick creme fraiche och kräftskjärtar + citron och lite nyttig frukt till det. MUMS!

Todays Lunch, looks pretty yummy right? 
I was starving when I got back home and thought I would just eat something simple and fast, but then I thought about my blog. (The best thing about blogging is that you motivate yourself too) So instead I prepared this lovely meal, which didn’t take long but was a lot healthier and better than my first option. YUMMY!

Mellanmål / Snack-time

SnackcollageFick en fråga om jag kunde tipsa om hälsosamma mellanmål, so here you go!
Mellanmål, varför? Jo, därför att kroppen behöver energi för att fungera. Det räcker inte att bara äta 2/3 mål om dagen, när det väl är dags att äta då är kroppen vrålhungrig och det är tyvärr därför vi äter för mycket och får den hemska propp-mätta känslan. Så försök klämma in ett mellanmål mellan Frukost&Lunch och sedan mellan Lunch&Middag. 

Mina favorit Mellanmål är: 
• Fruktskål. 
• En näve nötter. Mandlar/Cashew nötter/Jordnötter och Pecan nötter (osaltade!)
• Ett äpple (skivat) doppat i jordnötssmör. (Proteinrik – perfekt före/efter ett träningspass)
• Avocado. Skivat på ett knäckebröd, eller bara rätt upp&ner med lite salt och peppar på.
• Ett hårdkokt ägg. 
• Smoothie fylld med massa nyttigheter. FAVORIT. 

Got a question from a reader the other day, she wanted some tips on what a healthy and a good snack was. 
Why a snack? Because your body needs energy to work and therefore your body needs more than just 2/3 meals a day. Try to get a snack in between breakfast&lunch and in the afternoon between lunch&dinner. If you eat more snacks, your daily meal portions will shrink a lot too, and your body will feel better. 

My favorite Snacks: 
• Bowl of chopped fruit. 
• Nuts. Almonds/Cashew/Peanuts/Pecan nuts (unsalted!)
• An apple, sliced and dipped in peanut butter. (Perfect before/after a workout. A lot of protein!) 
• Avocado. Sliced on a hard piece of bread, or just plain with a tiny bit salt&pepper. 
• A hardboiled egg. 
• Smoothie, filled with tons of healthy stuff. FAVORITE.

Screw Calm & Go Running!

WorkoutNEW1. The secret to those extra minutes of your workout. 
When I feel like I have reached my limit, and feel like – I really cant do it any more. I put on my favorite song, which makes me smile and since I don’t want to turn the song off, I keep running/biking/doing my sit-ups until the song is over. You have it in you, its just your head that tells you “Now I am tired” So just push yourself those extra couple of minutes, and you will prove your head wrong. 

2. Look trough fun pictures on tumblr and we heart it before a workout. 
Search Motivation, workout & Quotes. That really gives a kick! Not only will you get a laugh, you will get inspired of other people. To see someones abs (who is not a model) gets my so focused on my own goal, which gets me inspired right away!  Remember – you’re not the only one out there fighting for a better lifestyle! 

3. Happy Girls are the Prettiest! 
Remember, even though you are working your butt off to look “better”, don’t forget the most important thing: Your smile! Whether you are tall or short, skinny or bigger, your smile is the prettiest thing you’ve got and if you are happy, other people will be too!

4. Be Honest to yourself. 
If you write in a workout/food book like me, be honest to yourself. Even though you want to only see good food and long workouts in there, you are human. If you eat something that is not on the healthy side, write it and be honest. Or if someone asked you what you had for breakfast, don’t lie to sound better, be yourself and be proud that you are not perfect.

5. Have Fun While Exercising! 
Who said exercise couldn’t be fun? Google different workouts, ask friends for tips and try out a new group workout at your gym, who knows – you might find your perfect workout? Whether its yoga, boxing, step or zumba its all about the movement and having a fun time! I think we all know that we get sick and tired of going to the gym, or exercising at all if we think its boring. Right?

Not Without My Breakfast.

Breakfast CollageTänkte bjuda på lite härliga frukost tips! 
Dagens första mål, och enligt mig det viktigaste. Det är denna som håller oss igång, full med energi fram tills tidiga eftermiddagen. Därför är det viktigt att få i sig en bra frukost, med mycket näringsrika produkter. Här kommer mina 5 favorit frukostar som gör mig glad och pigg varje morgon. 

Tips 1. Havregryns gröt med hackade bär/nötter & en liten klick honung. 
Tips 2. Mina Banana Hotcakes, otroligt nyttiga och super goda! Hitta receptet HÄR
Tips 3. Frukt & Bär, passar perfekt till den som inte är vrål hungrig om morgnarna, lägg till en klick keso också, så får du vad du behöver!
Tips 4. ÄGG. Det finns inga gränser där inte, äggröra, stekt ägg, kokt ägg och min favorit omelett, som kan fyllas med alla möjliga godsaker som passar DIG. 
Tips 5. Smoothie. Om du har brottom eller inte känner dig super sugen på en stor frukost är detta det bästa alternativet. Mixa frukt & bär, turkisk yoghurt och lite matvete eller andra frö, och du håller dig pigg och glad långt in på dagen!

Tips & Ideas for some great and healthy breakfast’s. Love to use eggs, in all kinds of ways. Oatmeal is my second favorite together with fruit and berries. There is nothing better!
I don’t know about you, but they say breakfast’s are the most important meal of your day, and I couldn’t agree more. So don’t stress it down or skip your morning meal, prepare and sit down while eating. And if you eat right you will feel happier and more energetic during your day!

Healthier Lifestyle Part 1.

health3 Collage

Lets start with being honest and clarifying a couple of things. You aren’t superwoman, you are human and so is your body and feelings. With these workout posts, I want to motivate you to become healthier and happier, and feel good about yourself.
The last thing I want to do, is make you feel bad about yourself because you just eat a cookie, or because you don’t have a body like the Victoria’s Secret girls.
I want to motivate you to be happy, find that one things that can get you both healthy and happy. I am far from perfect myself, but I try. Everything is about YOU. 

I work out to feel happy, get a better skin, meet new people, get the chance to move to my favorite beats and to feel confident in a bikini. Everyone has different goals, and thats how its suppose to be, so don’t compare yourself to others. No matter what, you are always going to be wanting what you can’t/don’t have. If you are skinny, you want to be bigger, If you are short, you want to be tall, If you have green eyes, you want to have brown. You know what I am saying right? So start being happy with the things that you have and that makes you, YOU. 

health1 Collage

1. Find what makes you happy! If it is running – Run, if it is killing abs – Kill abs, if its shaking you butt in Zumba – then do that! Workout and exercise is that simple. Don’t do things that doesn’t feel good for you, or makes you feel uncomfortable. Try different things and do what fits best for you!

2. Do it the natural way. Which means; don’t get started on pills you’ve found online thats suppose to help you lose weight fast. You can add Omega 3, and vitamins that will treat your body right, but stay away from the “I will get you in shape in a week – pills”. (I triedHydroxycut cause I was desperate for a change, I don’t recommend it because I couldn’t sleep, I was noxious all day long, and in the long turn it really wasn’t worth it)

3. Eat what you want, but don’t overdo it. I think the problem that many people never reach their goal or keep going back and forth with diets is because they are too hard on themselves. I am not sayin; Go ahead, eat a cheesecake for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But you are human, you only live once! If you feel like a cheesecake – eat it. But eat it slow and as soon as you feel, I better stop now – stop. Don’t eat the entire peace cause “its your only treat this week, better finish it”. Thats the thing that will make you gain. Don’t eat until you feel like you could throw up – eat until you feel like you could have a little bit more, thats the perfect “place” to stop at.

4. Come up with a new treat. I love the quote above, so true and funny.
Yes, you can treat yourself with food, a dessert on saturday night maybe, but don’t always treat yourself with unhealthy food. How are you suppose to lose weight / get toned if you keep feeding your body with things that doesn’t help. (I treated myself with a 60 min body massage last week, my body was so sore from working out, it was the perfect treat)

5. It’s all about when & where. I treat myself with food sometimes too. My weakness is chocolate, donuts and chocolate chip bagels. Not the best options for my body though. So what I do is; Eat it and then I move my body to the gym. I am not saying you never can treat yourself without going to the gym, but for me thats how I like to do it. Since you need carbs before a workout, and sugar gives you energy and a rush – why not use it? (Don’t go eating donuts and chocolate before every workout now!) 


Abs a lá Audrina.

HealthAP CollageAudrina Patridge is a girl who lives by the beach and need to be bikini-ready 24/7. But how does she do it? 
Here are ”4 moves to get a sexy 6-pack”

Two or three times a week, the 26-year old works up a sweat with a routine Jarett dubs “body box”: “We alternate rounds of boxing combinations that include punches and kicks with circuits of body weight–only strength moves,” he says. “It’s high intensity, so you burn lots of calories while you’re firming up. And because the exercises don’t use any gear, Patridge can stick to them whether she’s on the road or at home.”

AP1. Compound Crunch (Works: Core)
Lie faceup with hands behind head, elbows out to sides and legs extended on the ground. Lift head and shoulder blades as you pull knees toward chest [A].
Lower head and shoulder blades as you slowly extend legs 45 degrees off ground, keeping abs super-tight; repeat [B].

2. Cross-Legged Lift (Works: Core)
Lie faceup with legs extended over hips and arms at your sides, palms on ground. Bend right knee, crossing right foot over left thigh. Keeping left leg straight, use your abs to lift hips off the ground [A].
Lower hips, then take legs down to 45 degrees off ground [B]. Raise them to starting position and repeat entire move. Switch sides (crossing left leg over right) halfway through set.

3. Offset Bridge (Works: Core)
Lie faceup with right knee bent, foot on the ground, and left leg extended over hip. Extend arms at sides, palms on ground [A].
Push through right heel as you lift hips until body is aligned from shoulders to right knee. Lower hips until they nearly touch the ground, then repeat. Switch sides to complete set [B].

4. Cat Raise (Works: Core)
Get in plank position on forearms, elbows under shoulders, with hands in fists and palms facing each other; pull abs in tight [A].
Lift hips straight up. Hold for 2 counts, then return to starting position and repeat [B].


Eat More Fruit.

DSC_0540DSC_0539DSC_0538God morgon! 
Idag bjuder jag på min 3e frukost, ingen respons tar jag som ”nu räcker det” (?) 
Dagens frukost bestod i alla fall av: Turkisk yoghurt med pecan nötter, vindruvor och fikon. 1 ägg, och en halv grapefrukt. En enkel frukost enligt mig, mycket vitaminer och bra protein. 

Good morning! 
Today I will show my 3rd breakfast, no response from readers – so I take that as ”It’s enough now” (?)
Anyway, todays breakfast was: Greek yoghurt with pecan nuts, grapes and figs. 1 egg and a half grapefruit. A simple breakfast with lots of vitamins and protein, try it!