8 Favorites in My Closet.
1. Shoes
I can’t describe my love to my Jeffrey Campbell, Lita’s with silver claws. My black sparkling converse are a favorite too.
2. Belt
I do love belts, and my favorite one is this one. Beige leather with silver studs on it. /From Zebra Helsingborg.
3. Jewelry
Right now my favorite jewelry is bracelets with studs/spikes and skulls. Gold is my absolute favorite color right now, but I can’t take my eyes off the silver/lime colored one.
4. Military/Stud Jacket
Love, love, love it! Don’t need more words for this one.
5. Stud/Spike Bra
A cool detail underneath see-through garments. Love to wear it on a night out with my friends.
6. Handbag with details
Love this grey leather one, goes great with a lot of outfits, sticks out and looks awesome.
7. Pearl-Hanger
I have a ton of belts, and why hide them? I’ve hung mine over a nice hanger decorated with pearls, looks a lot better.
8. Fur Vest
Love this one, found it in Santa Barbara, CA and have worn it a bunch of times with a all kinds of outfits.