Christmas Takes Over
Idag efter en lyx frukost med en goding blev det lunch i Danmark. Bjöds på massa godsaker, julstämning och mys. Kvällen till ära har spenderats i köket med julmusik och bak. Känner mig lite smått gammal, men är det jul så är det jul!
Time runs fast, I must admit. I have done so many fun things these last 24 hours. A lot of coziness and fun with friends and family. My computer has not been around, and my bloging from my cellphone does not really work the way I want it to. Better late than never, right?
Today, after eating a luxurious breakfast I went over to Denmark to eat lunch and just getting ready for christmas. I do sound 20 years older than I am, but its christmas and its okay to relax, be cozy and just enjoying every moment.