my morning love.

bild-4Dagens frukost. 
2 dl kvarg med kanel, hemmagjord muesli, gojibär, blåbär & honung. & ett grovt knäckebröd med en skiva parmaskinka + 1 hårdkokt ägg. Perfekt start på dagen.

Todays breakfast.
2 dl quark with cinnamon, homemade granola, goji berries, blueberries & honey. & a healthy crisp bread with a slice prosciutto di parma ham and 1 hardboiled egg. Perfect start of the day.

this is paradise

bild 5-11Saknar min och älsklings frukostar på Kreta, vilken utsikt och så mumsigt. omg. 

Miss me and my boyfriends breakfasts at Crete, what a view and so delicious. omg. 

Rise & Shine Beauty!

abbzs CollageLördag morgon! Upp & hoppa – ut och träna!
Lite härlig fitspo sitter väl aldrig fel? Tonade kroppar, nyttig mat & ”jag-vill-också” inspiration. 

Saturday morning! Rise and shine – let’s workout!
Some lovely fitspo is never wrong, right? Toned bodies, healthy food & ”I-also-want-that” inspiration. 

Last 9 Perfect Mornings ☟

breakkie Collage@denicelindell 
There is something about breakfast, I just love them! People ask ”how do you have the energy and time to do a breakfast like that everyday?” Well, you know what? It’s all about prioritizing. If you want it, put the alarm 15 minutes earlier and you’ll have time to prepare something alike it for yourself. Treat your body right, want a great body? – Give your body what it needs then…

3 Wise Sentences.


Today, its 7 days until my vacation! And I’ve been working out about 6 times a week, mostly bikning, but also running and abs/butt exercises. (I have been working out, outside the gym to prove myself that its possible to reach a goal without machines) Even though weight training is good for you, I’ve been wanting to be outside and working out in the sunshine. I feel leaner and healthier, I’ve been eating better and feeling better. You see, everything goes together. 


Dear August.

august CollageVälkommen Augusti! Hur fort har inte sommarmånaderna gått? Men vi har fortfarande mycket tid kvar! 
Augusti innebär utomlands semester, solbränd hud, vita bikinis, urringade blusar, mumsiga frukostar utomhus, visa ben och sist men inte minst – jobba mig mot min drömkropp. Se mållinjen framför dig, och du kommer nå det! Be patient!

Welcome August! A month filled with sunshine, warmt, vacation, friends and family, tan bodier, white bikinis, showing lots of legs, delicious breakfasts outside and last but not least – working toward my dreambody. See the finish line ahead of you and you will reach it! Be patient!

Just Do It.

nike CollageMorgonen började med en cykeltur från stan, efter att igår ha cyklat allerum-viken-slottshöjden. Efter en mysig natt hos älskling var det bara att cykla hemåt, avslutade med 50 x 2 sets of sit-ups och stretch. 
Idag har jag målat och fixat inför sovrumsprojektet, så kul att göra egna möbler och versioner, ska bli så kul att se resultatet! 

My morning started with a cycling workout, and ended with 50 x 2 reps of sit-ups and stretching. 
I’ve started on my interior project and I am right now painting, and re-doing old thing to new, fabulous items. Can’t wait to see the result!

Enjoy a Delicious Omelet.

bild 1-9

You need: 
2 ägg / 2 eggs
2 msk vatten / 2 tbsp water
Salt & pepper
1 tsk smör / 1 tsp butter
25 g fetaost / 25 gram feta cheese
1/4 röd paprika / 1/4 red pepper
1/4 gul paprika / 1/4 yellow pepper
1/2 avokado / 1/2 avocado
1 msk granatäpplekärnor / 1 tbsp pomegranate seeds
1 msk valnötter / 1 tbsp walnuts
Lite färsk bladpersilja / Some fresh parsley

You Do:
1. Vispa ihop ägg och vatten i en skål. Salta och peppra. Visk eggs and water in a bowl, add salt & pepper. 
2. Hetta upp en stekpanna med smör och häll ner smeten. Låt omeletten steka någon minut på medelvärme och smula ner fetaosten. Heat up a fringpan with butten and pour down the dough. Let the omelet fry for a couple of minutes on medium heat and crumb down the feta cheese. 
3. Skiva paprika och avokado och lägg över fetaosten. Slice the peppers and avocado and put over the feta cheese. 
4. Toppa med granatäpplekärnor och valnötter. Dekorera med persilja. Last but not least, add some pomegranate seeds and walnuts on top. Decorate with parsley. 

My Yummy Morning.

bild 1-7Dagens frukost:
Turkisk yoghurt med hemmagjord müesli (recept kommer!) hallon och kokos flinger, tillsammans med en rågbrödsmacka med röd Magold sallad, kallrökt lax och ungersk paprika. Mums!

Todays breakfast:
Greek yoghurt with homemade granola (recipe coming!) raspberries and coconut flakes, together with a slice of ryebread with lettuce, cold-smoked salmon and hungarian peppers. Yummy!

Get Your Ass Down and Squat!

Some fun ideas and exercises to get your toned butt, you’ve been longing for a while now. 
And no, it doesn’t take 3 squats to get your dream butt. Stick to a schedule and do as many reps as you can, and If you stick with that, you will be getting closer to your goal. 

Here are 9 different exercises worth trying out! My favorites are…
Hip-Life Progression 
This is an awesome way to relieve tension in your lower back and work your butt at the same time. 

2. Squats
One of the best exercises for you, whether you’re trying to build muscle or lose weight.

3. Lunges
Lunges are a good exercise for strengthening, sculpting and building several muscles/muscle groups, including your thighs, your butt as well as your hamstrings.

4. Push-ups (feet on balance ball/chair/brick mure) 
While its mainly an exercise for arm, it also works your abs, and in this case you butt too, when you do it from a different angle, compared to the floor. 

5. Side Plank
Kills your abs and butt. No need to write more. 

6. Staircase running. 
While running in staircases you lift your legs 90 degrees, and a perfect way to work your butt maximum.